Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Wear Sunsreen

A Little Inspiration for these Snowy Days! 
(although it really makes me not want to get old - I just wish I could stay young forever sometimes)

Well, still not really getting into the swing of this, but I'm not stressing too much about it (it's not like I've given the link to anyone except for Abik).

Today I spent a lot of time sketching and coming up with some jewelry ideas for my jewelry class I have tomorrow night.  I've had one other class 2 weeks ago, but it was canceled last week because of snow!  I'm not sure how I feel about it so far...I'm the only one in the class that has no metal-smithing experience so a lot of the techniques are kind of skipped over, and I'm left wondering how to do things!  Hopefully I'll catch on quickly, but we'll see!

I also took a class called Vegetarian Wonders of the World.  It's the first cooking class I've ever taken.  At first it seemed kind of strange - pay $45 to come and read some instructions on how to make some soup while everyone else is working on something else.   I'm not sure what I expected, but it was nice to be around other people and learn a bit about food.  All of the people were probably age 40+, so not quite what I'm looking for socially, but I do find that I get along with older people...maybe it's the wisdom they have to share.  Anyway, the food was delicious (veggie burritos, curried chickpeas, date nut bars, tabbouleh, white bean soup, etc. etc. etc...SO much delicious food!!), and I got leftovers for the next night!  Overall a good experience, but I think next time I might invest in a nice cookbook rather than go to a class.

And today's exciting news...
I got a library card!  I really didn't think I'd be this excited about it, but getting the card definitely sparked something within me.  A renewed urge to read, absorb, and gain knowledge?  The reason I went to get it today out of all days is because I've been wanting to read the book 'Dandelion Wine' by Ray Bradbury.  I saw some quotes from it that really drew me to it.  I'll let you know how the book is as I continue.  Here is my favorite quote thus far:

"Bees do have a smell, you know, and if they don't they should, for their feet are dusted with spices from a million flowers."