Well, I knew it would be hard to get in the swing of posting all the time, but I really thought I'd at least post something!
This is certainly not to say that I haven't been doing lots and lots of things that make me happy!
Today was a good day. I had the day off of work for MLK day, and it's the first time I've had a vacation day on this holiday in years, so it was kind of special! I had a lot to get done around my apartment, but I also wanted to have a "me" day, so I did a bit of both. I spent the morning cleaning, but then...
I did an amazing, invigorating workout. My lovely boyfriend just got me an iPod touch, so for the first time in a long time I'm pretty up to date with this technology (I also got the Google TV as a holiday gift...and then went and bought a TV to use it on, so I'm way up-to-date with technology...weird!). Anyway, I got a few fitness apps, and they have been really great. My favorite is the Nike Training Center for women. It has so many workout options; first you select your fitness level, then select your goal (get lean, get strong, get toned, etc.). There are then several workouts in each category. It's really helpful for me because I'm not good at making routines or sticking to something unless I have someone telling me to do so, and this does the trick. It's like a pocket fitness coach! I definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a change in their workouts!
After working out, I decided to try out some new DIY beauty product recipes I found the other day. I kind of stumbled upon them...I started off looking for some new, delicious vegetarian recipes. I found planetgreen.com, which is now one of my favorite web resources for all things vegetarian, DIY, etc. I did find some yummy food recipes, but then I also found recipes for facial masques, shampoos, lip gloss, & body scrubs! I spent way too much time looking at them all!
Today I made two things: Blueberry Facial Masque and the Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse
Boy, did I look frightening with the blueberry masque on, but my face felt so refreshed afterward, so I guess it's worth it! The red and the chunks from the blueberry kind of looked like blood, etc. so this is definitely something you'll want to do alone (or at least warn your roomies, bf, hubby, etc. that you're going to look like a blood-sucking monster for a few minutes). Definitely give it a try though - it's so easy to make, and is way better for you than putting the expensive products filled with chemicals (that I know we all buy) on your face!
Blueberry Masque:
1/4 cup local, organic blueberries
1 tablespoon raw organic honey
1 tablespoon virgin olive oil
Combine ingredients, blend, and apply to face!
Leave on for 5 minutes, then rinse.
I might recommend using a bit less olive oil, as my masque was a little too runny!
And second: The Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse
I actually just bought a bottle the other day for a recipe I found, so it was perfect timing. This rinse is supposed to make your scalp less itchy (getting rid of dandruff), and make your hair more shiny by coating and protecting the hair cuticles! I'll let you know if I can see a difference in a few days!
To make it: just use 1 part ACV and 2 parts water. After you shampoo and rinse, apply the mixture to your hair. You can wash it out or leave it in. It smells vinegary until it dries, but then you're fine, I promise!
Anyway, so after I made these, I took an amazing bubble bath and soaked. I finished off the day making some Lentil Patties, which were a bit too dry and didn't stick together as I imagined, but they still had great taste. And now, I'm just doing a little brushing up on work stuff - I have a certification exam (part 1) tomorrow morning, eek!
Happy Monday! (and MLK day!)
Have you had any experiences with these DIY recipes or do you know any other great ones?